Bible study book of nahum

The lords anger against nineveh the lord is a jealous and avenging god. Introduction from the niv study bible go to nahum author the book contains the vision of nahum 1. It begins with the lord is a jealous and avenging god. Bible study guide book of nahum united church of god. Nahum means comfort or consolation and is a short form of nehemiah comfort of yahwe. But we dont know where that was because it is not mentioned elsewhere in the bible. The divided kingdom the northern kingdom of israel the southern kingdom of judah the assyrian captivity the babylonian captivity the return from babylon the prophets the messiah. Very candidly, i must say that the little book of nahum is not the greatest in the bible, but it is a great book, and it is in the word of god for a very definite purpose. The book of nahum is the seventh book of the 12 minor prophets of the hebrew bible. One of the most striking examples of verbal parallel, recognized by all scholars, is nahum 1. While scholars have proposed a number of theories about nahums hometown, elkosh, the best option identifies it with a city in southern.

Below are scriptures in nahum that refer to endtime events. Nahum also predicted a time of peace beyond this troubled world. Jan 02, 2020 book of nahum bible survey what are the major prophets and minor prophets. In the bible book of nahum, gods prophecy against the city of nineveh was fulfilled in every detail, building confidence that god always fulfills his word. Bible study guide book of nahum saturday, august 24, 2012 background on nahum the name nahum means comfort and is related to the name nehemiah, meaning the lord comforts or comfort of the lord. They have sought to clarify understanding of, develop appreciation for, and provide insight into that word. Exact or approximate indications of time are totally missing in nahum s book. Josephus places nahum during the reign of jotham, while others place him in the beginning of the reign of ahaz, judahs next king, or even the latter half of the. Study guide for nahum 1 by david guzik blue letter bible. However, nahum is a thrilling book to study because it reveals the other side of the attributes of god. Elkosh was a city in assyria, a few miles north of the ruins of nineveh. Although in many lessons the writer or teacher decides on a lesson aim the main. Nineveh, the arrogant capital of the assyrian empire, will be destroyed. The prophecy of nahum, written by a hebrew against the capital of a gentile world power nineveh, is a denunciation of rampant militarism and tyranny, especially as it affects gods people.

Nahum, the seventh of the twelve minor prophets, was a native of elkoshai, a little village of galilee, whose ruins were still in being in the time of st. Excellent bible study the amazing claims of bible prophecy the book of nahum dr mark hitchcock duration. More about the book of nahum nahum in the picture study bible. Nahums book is a sequel to, and a dramatic contrast with, the book of jonah. The lord had harsh words for nineveh, who had again become disobedient to him, but this time nineveh would not escape destruction. The prophets name means comfort, and his word of comfort is for judah, the lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and he knoweth them that trust in him nahum 1. The book of nahum reveals that god will punish all evil. If taken out of its context, the book of nahum is a tough read.

Feb 03, 2019 this lesson renews our study of the minor prophets by beginning to examine the book of nahum. This lesson renews our study of the minor prophets by beginning to examine the book of nahum. It is attributed to the prophet nahum, and was probably written in jerusalem in the 7th century bc. All confess the authority of the bible as gods infallible word to humanity. Book of nahum overview insight for living ministries. Listen to chuck swindoll s overview of nahum in his audio message from the classic series gods masterwork. The focal point of the entire book is the lords judgment on nineveh for her oppression, cruelty, idolatry and wickedness. In the book of nahum there are allegedly numerous verbal, stylistic, and conceptual parallels to isaiah 5152 and indeed the entire book of isaiah. Book of nahum biblical studies oxford bibliographies. In the hebrew bible, there are just three words at the start of verse 10. The book was composed, therefore, between 664 and 612 b.

Although god uses pagans to punish his peoples apostasy and sin, the tool itself is also liable to punishment. This gives us an idea of the hebrew poetry in the book of nahum. Like the niv itself, the niv study bible is the work of a transdenominational team of biblical scholars more about the niv bible. This study also includes a teaching outline at the end. This is all that is known of the writer of this book. Because this is a vision, in some way nahum saw it. Do we ever reach a point that we cannot be forgiven nahum 3. Book of nahum read, study bible verses online bible study tools. The only mention in scripture of nahum the elkoshite occurs in the first verse of his own book. Micah, nahum, habakkuk, and zephaniah, new american commentary by kenneth barker more insights from your bible study get started with logos bible software for free. The only mention in scripture of nahum the elkoshite occurs in the first verse of. Some folk think the book of nahum should be called ho hum. Authorship the author of this remarkably literary book is probably nahum.

Study scripture verses with commentary, concordances, and use highlighting, underlining, take notes in the bible. Nahum with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. Nahum thus expresses vengeance and hope in the neoassyrian downfall by celebrating the fall of nineveh in 612 bce. Reading the chapter before looking at the notes, while working with the notes, and after finishing with the notes will give each researcher a powerful sense of the series of meanings within each chapter. The lord takes vengeance on his foes and vents his wrath against his enemies. In this book, nahum portrays the downfall of nineveh and assyria as an image of how god will confront and bring down all violent human empires. The niv study bible biblica the international bible society. Intro to nahum biblica the international bible society. Its purpose is to pronounce the final warning and judgment upon nineveh, and he also.

Nahum inductive bible study for youth every child ministries. The books title is taken from the prophetofgods oracle against nineveh, the capital of assyria. The consuming wrath of god a jealous and avenging god is the lord, the lord is avenging and wrathful. His book is a message of destruction for nineveh, and that would have been a message of consolation for the nations she had oppressed. Nahum could well have lived there and have prophesied to nineveh, as daniel did to babylon later on. Referencing daniel, exodus, isaiah and babylon, nahum shows us that the destruction of nineveh and assyria are examples of how god works in history in every age. Title the books title is taken from the prophet of gods oracle against nineveh, the capital of assyria. The nwt study bible is complete with cross references, maps, and an accurate bible dictionary. The book of nahum is a collection of poems announcing the downfall of assyria, one of israels worst oppressors. Why is it in the bible and what message does the prophet nahum have for us.

When we see the vivid, descriptive way nahum writes we understand that the book records what he saw in his vision. Yet the bible is a book of hope for the future when the prince of peace will secure lasting peace among all peoples and nations isaiah 9. While scholars have proposed a number of theories about nahum s hometown, elkosh, the best option identifies it with a city in southern judah that later came to be known as elcesi, near where the prophet micah lived. Ninevehs fall, which is nahums theme, would bring comfort to judah. The facts that the kingdom of the 10 tribes in which galilee lies was already in assyrian captivity at nahum s time and that nahum directly speaks to the kingdom of judah chap.